Senin, 09 Januari 2012



Implementation of the social security program is one of the responsibilities and obligations of the State to provide social protection to the public economy. In accordance with the conditions of the financial capability of State, Indonesia as well as many other developing countries, develop a social insurance program funded by social security, social security is funded by the participants and the community is still limited to formal sector workers.
After experiencing the progress and development, both regarding the legal basis, a form of protection or for the organization, in 1977 obtained an important milestone with the issuance of Government Regulation (PP) No.33 of 1977 on the implementation of social insurance programs of labor (ASTEK), which requires any employer / private entrepreneurs and state enterprises to follow the program ASTEK. Sunrise also PP No.34/1977 on the establishment of a container that is Perum Astek, namely  ASTEK organizers.
The next important milestone is the birth of Act No.3 of 1992 on Social Security Workers (JAMSOSTEK). And through the enactment of PP No.36/1995 PT Jamsostek as organizer of the Social Security agency Manpower. Social Security program provides basic protection to meet the minimum requirements for workers and their families, by providing certainty of ongoing revenue stream of family income as a substitute for partially or completely lost income, due to social risk. Subsequently in late 2004, the Government issued Law No. 40 of 2004 on National Social Security System, which is associated with the 1945 Amendment to the change in article 34 paragraph 2, where the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) has endorsed the amendment, which now reads  "The state developed a system of social security for all citizens and to empower the weak and incapable in accordance with human dignity". The benefits of such protection may provide a sense of security to the workers so that they can concentrate more in increasing motivation and productivity. Gait of the Company which promotes the interests and rights normative Labor in Indonesia continues. Until now, PT Jamsostek (Persero) provides protection of 4 (four) program, which includes the Work Accident Insurance Program (JKK), Security Death (JKM), Old Age Security (JHT) and Health Insurance (JPK) for the entire workforce and his family.
With the implementation of more advanced, Social Security program is not only beneficial to workers and employers but also plays an active role in enhancing economic growth for the welfare of the community and future development of the nation.

A.            Disposable age:
In performing its functions and duties, PT Jamsostek priority workforce services to participants. Of course, in order to provide protection against all risks at work, while providing welfare for workers and their families. This public service is demonstrated for all workers who have the following requirements, there are:
1.    fill in the form 1 / corporate registration was signed with full corporate leaders
and attach SIUP (the company's business license) TDP (a sign listing company) a copy of a sheet
2.     fill out the form 1a / Register workers with at least 2 copies of complete and attach the selected KDP 1:
          1. copy of ID / SIM
          2. KK for those of you who already have families
          3. Marriage Certificate
          4. child's birth certificate
          5. 2 sheets of 2x3 photo
          6. photocopy of the old kph
          7. Form 1 must be signed by the worker and the company seal
3.    fill out the form to the 2 Summary of the payment details with the full fee is signed and the company seal
4.    Fill out the form to 2 a labor fee payment details in full five reported the first payment and proof of payment to Social Security
5.     give soft copy of employee wages.

  C.  Jamsostek programs

1.     Old Age Security
Old Age Security program is intended as a substitute for labor income interruption due to death, disability or old age and held with a system of retirement savings. Old Age Security program provides the certainty of receipt of income paid at the time of labor reaches the age of 55 years old or has fulfilled certain requirements.

2.     Health Insurance Programs

Health care is a right of labor. JPK is one of the Social Security program that helps workers and their families cope with health problems. Ranging from prevention, care at health clinics, hospitals, the need for assistive devices increased organ function, and treatment, effectively and efficiently. Any labor that has followed the program will be given KPK JPK (Health Care Card) as proof of identity to get health care.

JPK benefits for the company ie a company can have a healthy workforce, able to concentrate at work so it is more productive.

3.     Work Accident Insurance Scheme

Occupational injuries including occupational diseases is a risk that must be faced by workers in doing their jobs. To cope with partial or complete loss of income caused by the presence of social risks such as death or disability due to occupational injuries both physically and mentally, it is necessary to guarantee the existence of occupational accidents. Health and safety of workers is the responsibility of employers so that employers have an obligation to pay for work accident insurance contributions that ranged between 0.24% - 1.74% according to the type of business.

4.     Death Insurance Program
Death guarantee is for the heirs of the Social Security program participants who died not due to occupational accidents. Death collateral is required as an effort to ease the burden of the family either in the form of funeral expenses and compensation in the form of money. Employers must bear the fee Security Program Mortality of 0.3% with a guarantee of death given was Rp 12 million consists of USD 10 million in death benefits and $ 2 million funeral expenses and compensation * periodically.

A.   D. The shortage of product

With assets worth millions of dollars each year, Social Security should be able to do more and better for the welfare of its participants.

lack of information on a regular basis to each participant. about the various services including the amount of funds or dues position which had been deposited.
so that the participants did not mengetahuisudah how much money he had deposited to the Social Security through the company where she worked. Even more worryingly, many workers who felt his salary was cut by the company to pay Social Security, but they never feel the benefits of Social Security because it was the company had cheated them.

So the existence of direct communication between participants with Social Security workers directly, the possibility of cheating employers will be minimized.

E. The excess of product
jamsostek is the  agency social security which is reliable workforce that excels in service and provide optimal benefits for all participants and their families, as well as
as an organizer of social security agency workforce that meets the basic protections for workers as well as a trusted partner.

the advantage  for Labor is to provide adequate protection for workers and families, for Entrepreneur is being a reliable partner to provide protection to the workforce and increase productivity and for the Stateis to Participate in the development.

F. The branches of Jamsostek

Jamsostek already has  branches almost throughout in  Indonesia.  There are in the  big cities like Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, as well as the other big cities.

A.    G. Promotional product
jamsostek usually promoted with ads in both print and electronic media, as well as lectures in public spaces

H. Copywriting
Better Use Jamsostek